[ Home ] WinCE - PocketPC Cracks I found this list and I put it here 4 your convenience A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z A Activation Key: s/n : A847-3D80KKQCCE7F AllTime 2.0 Serial for iambic Reports 1.04 s/n= iambi-c.eng-ineer-ing.corps Action Names 2.05 s/n= A#EJC-Y30AL-30&Z4-PILOTGEAR Actioneer 1.10: S/N: xqpr-7kcf-j8lh Aportis Mobile DOC 2.1 s/n= D6456021 ART smARTwriter PLUS: Name: Al Sejcek S/N: 5556405976799029 ArtSKey 1.1: Name: Pdazone Pdazone S/N: 7695575996874629 B bEssential Utilities v1.0: S/N: 040-740020 bFAX Pro: S/N: 040-740020 bMobile News 3.0: S/N: 015-056699 bPRINT: S/N: 040-740020 bProductive: S/N: 040-740020 bSquare BFax Pro V5.0: S/N: BFP-100026-4682-IEN bSquare bMobile News 3.0: S/N: 015-056699 bSquare chat: S/N: 040-740020 bSquare SpreadSheet: S/N: BSS-010032-7821-PEN bUseful Utilities v1.1: S/N: 040-740020 bUseful Utilities v1.1: S/N: BUP-000135-1387-HEN bUseful Utilities v2.0: S/N: BUP-001013-9199-IEN Backgammon v1.0: Name: bob bob S/N: 4455706966771929 Backgammon v1.01: Name: w w S/N:: 0255501956775629 iBFM Casino v2.0: FirstName: WinCE Initial: W LastName: Man S/N: 2861 Bubblet 1.0: S/N: af100523 / PDAZone BugMe 2.61: S/N: europa Bugme CE v3.1: S/N: 01291626 BRAINFOREST MOBILE 2.1 : s/n: B8492448 (palm os?) BrainForest Mobile 2.1 s/n= B8492448 C CalcyForce: Name: Al Sejcek S/N: 9850867979976025 Cambridge vxWeb: Name: Albert Wdowiak S/N: 62883413 Caribbean Poker: Name: AlSejcek S/N: 4487766966791929 Caribbean Poker: Name: Pdazone pdazone S/N: 8685565996794629 CEBall v1.0: S/N: JCB10-000AAD-0003 Chess: Name: bobbob S/N: 4455786966771929 Chinese Checkers v1.2: S/N: 24680 Christopher Han: S/N: 17438-946868365-21019-9 CIH: S/N: 277-4571-1649 CommandCE: S/N: 112000763 Conversions in hand 1.25: S/N: 277-4571-1649 CoolCalc v3.0: S/N: RCCP940542127N1-1078 Crossword Pack v1.0: S/N: 120-2152021016-04 CalcyForce :Name:dsfdsg s/n: 9850867979976025 CheckList 1.3 s/n= vigour D Digital I Ching: Name: dsfg sg S/N: 8842857979176025 DocSafe Prof Export Version: Name: Al Sejcek S/N: 5557425976879029 Desktop2Go 2.503 Reg. Num. - 4016040-9305 Display Colors: windowce@hotmail.com S/N: 196924 Documents2Go 2 registration : 4233889-3678 key : 5K5E-24083F02A3A5-FFFF (palm os?) Drag & Drop Hack v2.0: S/N: DRDPH000 E EncloseIt: Name: Al Sejcek S/N: 5568445976779029 EncloseIt: Name: Al Sejcek S/N: 5568445976779029 eWallet v1.0: Name: Al Sejcek S/N: 8841867979196025 eWallett v1.0: Name: dsfg sg S/N: 8841867979196025 EVEdit 1.6 s/n= evedit001998 Ewallet 2.0t (desktop version) : Name : icarus : s/n : 671886 (works) ncloseIt : Name: Al Sejcek s/n: 5568445976779029 F Financial Consultant: Name: Al Sejcek S/N: 5566435976779029 Force: Name: Al Sejcek S/N: 5594405976799029 Financial Consultant: Name: Al Sejcek S/N: 5566435976779029 FindForce: Name: Al Sejcek S/N: 5594405976799029 Funky Spheres: S/N: 0000001-JZVJ5ZHV G GameBreak: Name: bob bob S/N: 3405796966771929 GameTrio: Name: Pdazone Pdazone S/N: 9606585996704629 Grundlesoftware Display Colors : windowce@hotmail.com;196924 GrundleSoftware PocketSwap : sexotic_comic@hotmail.com; 251364 Grundlesoftware RegEdit CE : edwinli@pacific.net.sg ; 208942 Grundlesoftware RegEdit CE : winli@pacific.net.sg;208942 Grundlesoftware Space Hog CE : windowce@hotmail.com;196924 Grundlesoftware Storage Card Applet : windowce@hotmail.com;200928 H HandPhone 1.1: S/N: 06111413349-0-24180 Harmony 97: Name: dsfg sg S/N: 9870847979146027 HPC Netprofile v1.2: S/N: 9811-0110-00065877 HPC Notes v1.3: Name: Al Sejcek S/N: 6546415976779029 HPC Notes v2.03: S/N: 9805-0200-81916236 HPC NOTES V3.01: S/N: 9805-0200-81916236 HPC NOTES V3.02 Pro & Lite: S/N: 9912-PRO3-00344155 HPC Spell v2.2 & v2.3: S/N: 9809-0200-00266940 HPC Spell v2.315.1015: S/N: 9809-0200-00266940 Hum Mp3 Player: Name: PDAZone Company: PDAZone S/N: KAGI-326312AF-C8202B63E8A0E42D HandFax 1.04 s/n= 0310-0111704-61792 HandMail 2.0 s/n= 013034-05491-0-42273 Handmail: 013034-05491-0-42273 HandPhone 1.1: 06111413349-0-24180 HandWeb 2.02 s/n 042024-05156-0-00001 I Ibrowser Plus (+): Name: Glenn Wiggins S/N: NHEG13K71203 Ilium ListPro: Name: Al Sejcek S/N: 7841897979146020 Intellisync 3.6: S/N: 613543 Internet Force: Name: Al Sejcek S/N: 5592495976749029 Internet Force: Name: Pdazone Pdazone S/N: 9692555996744629 IRC CE: /register jstpenfxrx J Jimmy's BigFoot: User: bigfootusr Pass: tkn9psv Jimmy's Ralley CE: Name: bangbang S/N: fun4you Jisen Information System's CEBall v1.0: S/N: JCB10-000AAD-0003 Jot v2.0: Name: bob bob S/N: 3455796966791929 K Nothing Here Yet! L ListPro by llium: Name: dsfg sg S/N: 7841897979146020 ListPro 2.0T: Name: iCARUS S/N: 2392201 M Martians: S/N: 0000451-BBV2F2H MediaWallet: S/N: RMW940541321N1-1023 Message Master 1.1: S/N: 4047-4882-3366 Microsoft WinCE Entertainment Pack v1.0: S/N: 111-1111111 Microsoft WinCE Entertainment Pack v 2.0: S/N: 465-3540603 Milles bornes: Name: Kevin C. Maughan S/N: 49EBF5EA MovSoftware's IrcCE: /register Jstpenfxrx Macromedia Generator v2.0: S/N: XFW200-01353-37003-19376 N NSBasic v2.10a: S/N: Not available because its a great software house and we all must support it O One Cat Doodler 3.0: Name: PDAZone S/N: D3MYQK-AU0031040 One Cat Doodler 3.0: Name: [enter any name]: Reg: D3MYQK-AU0031040 One Cat Doodler 3.0: http://www.onemanandacat.com/ P Palm GB v1010: Name: gquan@msn.com S/N: 8479 Palm GB v1010: Name: wince@software.com S/N: 12364 Palm GB v 2.0 : Name: oneforgivn@aol.com S/N: 12298 Palm Remote 2.1 or 2.2: S/N: 599M86VC02 Pocket Artist 1.14: Name: andy poes S/N: 59295 884650791 21019 9 Pocket ARTIST: Name: andy poes S/N: 59295 884650791 21019 9 Pocket BizCalc: Name: Al Sejcek S/N: 5557435976779029 Pocket Finance v1.1: Name: bob bob S/N: 4465786966741928 Pocket C v1.0: Name: pocketc hpc S/N: 809657344 Pocket C v2.0: Name: FreddyZaz S/N: 760379904 Pocket Dictionary: Name: dictionary S/N: 77thw54 Pocket Finance v1.1: Name: bob bob S/N: 4465786966741928 Pocket Quicken: S/N: 11264334 Pocket Quicken: Name: bob bob S/N: 4465786966741928 PhoneTone: Name: Al Sejcek S/N: 5507435976779029 Power Time: S/N: 704-318-090 Primer PDF reader: S/N: 1000702 PTravel Alarm: S/N: 278-3965-1190 Palm Chord 1.1 s/n= a440 Palm Columns : s/n: (;)2MAGIZ Palm Columns s/n= ;2MAGIZ Palm GB : Name: ******* s/n: (None) Palm GB gquan@msn.com 8479 Palm GB v1010 : Name: wince@software.com s/n: 12364Palm GB v1010 : Name: wince@software.com s/n: 12364 Palm Helmet s/n= ;1MAGIZ Palm Player Name: Karl Weckstrom ; Email: karl@weckstrom.com : 02686-027466122-21019-5 Palm Player Name: Christopher Han S/N: 17438-946868365-21019-9 Palm Redirector 2.01 : s/n: 012345678910111213141516171819 Palm Remote 2.1 or 2.2 : s/n : 599M86VC02 (works) Pocket Abacus v1.0b: Name: Pdazone S/N: 60719030 Pocket Artist 1.14 : User Name: andy poes s/n: 59295 884650791 21019 9 Pocket ARTIST: name: andy poes / 59295 884650791 21019 9 Pocket BizCalc : Name: Al Sejcek s/n: 5557435976779029 Pocket Finance v1.1 : Name: bob bob s/n: 4465786966741928 Pocket Swap , GrundleSoftware, Name: sexotic_comic@hotmail.com; 251364 Pocket C : Name: pocketc hpc s/n: 809657344 v1.* only? Pocket C 2.0 FreddyZaz/760379904 Pocket CCTV v1.0: Name: Pdazone S/N: 60412016 Pocket Dictionary : name : dictionary s/n:77thw54 (all lowercase) Pocket Finance v1.1 : Name: bob bob s/n: 4465786966741928 Pocket Quicken Name: 11264334 Pocket Quicken : Name: bob bob Code: 4465786966741928 Web site : http://www.onthegosoftware.com/products/pq.htm 2.1 upgrade can be downloaded from: http://www.onthegosoftware.com/support/updates.htm Pocket Swap , GrundleSoftware, Name: sexotic_comic@hotmail.com; 251364 Parens 1.3 s/n= Rishi Bagga/34598 PhoneTone : Name: Al Sejcek s/n: 5507435976779029 Pilchart : Name: Pdazone s/n: 60716032 Planetarium 1.8 s/n= aPoLLo PopUpCalculator 0.95 s/n= BadToast/10210 Power Time : s/n: 704-318-090 Primer PDF reader : 1.07 www.ansyr.com (freeware now) Primer PDF reader : 1000702 PTravelAlaram s/n : 278-3965-1190 Q Quest CE: S/N: 770613 Quest CE: S/N: 849374 Quest CE: S/N: 770613 Quest CE v3.2a: S/N: 849374 Quest CE Registration : 770613 Quest CE v3.2a : s/n: 849374 (works) get it at http://www.kpoole.com/ Quick Budget v1.51: S/N: qb300 Quicksheet 3.1 Pass to unzip: jump625 Quest CE vnull : s/n: 849374 Quest CE s/n= 770613 R Rally CE: Name: bangbang S/N: fun4you Randsoft Harmony 97: Name: Al Sejcek S/N: 9870847979146027 RegEdit CE v2.5 : name: edwinli@pacific.net.sg s/n : 208942 Rally CE: Name: bangbang S/N: fun4you Randsoft Harmony 97 s/n= Al Sejcek; 9870847979146027 Reg. Nr.: 72033693 S Sabotage: S/N: 0000448-LPFB43V Screen Saver Engine: S/N: 0000001-T8051V0 Sentry 20/20: Name 1337 inc. S/N: FDE2 849F DA61 1BA7 Small Talk v1.01: S/N: 1108015659 Snoozer v1.4: S/N: 129162 Spacefighter: Name: sfuser S/N: galaga2 Star Tap: User: Joe Doe Code: AXF003456F45683G23 SysInfo: S/N: 120-2012020976-01 Sabotage: S/N: 0000448-LPFB43V Screen Saver Engine : s/n: 0000001-T8051V0 Sentry 20/20 : name 1337 inc. s/n : FDE2 849F DA61 1BA7 Shadow Theif 0.97 : Name: beatgen s/n: IToZ7CX3t5 SketchPad v2.0: S/N: 4617069416 Small Talk v1.01 s/n= 1108015659 Snoozer v1.4: S/N: 129162 Space Fighter: Name: sfuser S/N: galaga2 Space Hog CE : Name: windowce@hotmail.com s/n: 196924 Spacefighter : Name: sfuser s/n: galaga2 Star Tap : User : Joe Doe Code: AXF003456F45683G23 StarBuck (version unknown) : s/n 5526693 If no work; set your PDA clock to 11/99 and try again. Storage Card Applet : Name: windowce@hotmail.com s/n: 200928 SysInfo : s/n: 120-2012020976-01 SysInfo Registration Code: 120-2012020976-01 SysInfo: S/N: 120-2012020976-01 T Ted-Tris 1.1 : S/N: 7367291045 Thisweek 1.4 : S/N: Y2k Tuning Fork 1.1 : S/N: 6905924416 Time&Chaos 5.3.5 Sync s/n: airplane TipU v1.1 s/n: "evsoftbetter" U Utopiasoft Hum Mp3 Player: Name: PDAZone Company: PDAZone S/N: KAGI-326312AF-C8202B63E8A0E42D Utopiasoft Hum Mp3 Player : Name: Highly Illegal Company: Serials '99 S/N: KAGI-326312AF-C8202B63E8A0E42D V Virtual Courier: Name: dsfg sg S/N: 9860867976776029 Virtual Courier: Name: Al Sejcek S/N: 5564405976779029 Virtual Courier : Name: dsfg sg s/n: 9860867976776029 Virtual Courier : Name: Al Sejcek s/n: 5564405976779029 vxWeb: Name: Albert Wdowiak S/N: 62883413 W Westtek JetCet Print Pro v2.1: S/N: 11111111111111 X XWordCE v2.0: S/N: 120-2152021016-04 XT-CE: 2.43: Control Panel\Owner: PDAUser S/N: c146737214aa7c5d8bf1 Y Nothing Here Yet! Z ZSS Blackjack: Name: Pdazone Pdazone S/N: 7655575996874629 ZSS Slot: Name : Pdazone Pdazone S/N: 7655575996874629 ZSS Casino Pack I: Name : Pdazone Pdazone S/N: 7655575996874629 ZSS Keno: Name : Pdazone Pdazone S/N: 7655575996874629 www.pdanet.net http://clubicky.iwarp.com/wince/ http://www.dencity.com/forums/forums.asp?username=thalinor&bgcolor=lightblue PDAZone (C) 2000